Expectations, Intentions, and Letting it Flow

Think about the last time you expected or even required something of another person. How did you feel? I guarantee your attachment to the results put you in your own prison almost immediately. Your nervous system reacted, your muscles tightened, your breath shallowed. Am I not right?

If we regard each individual as his or her own creator equipped with free will to navigate their path – WHO are we to define, restrict, summon, order, or even request others to wield to our desires?

Spirit God Him/Herself allow us total liberty! We must remember to do the same with one another.

When we place expectations, and worse yet requirements on ourselves, others, or life events we destroy our own inner ability to be fluid, to receive, and flow with the magic of divine grace and wisdom.

Interesting enough, we gain ultimate ease and flow when we let this self propelled infliction GO. It’s also called “Letting Go and Letting God.”

Excerpts from “Friendship with God” An Uncommon Dialogue – Neale Donald Walsch in green

“…..If you require a certain result in order to be happy, you have an Addiction. If you simply desire a certain result, you have a Preference. If you have no Preference whatsoever, you have Acceptance. You have achieved mastery.”

“….Every event of life is a miracle, as is life itself. Life is designed to provide your soul with the perfect tools, the perfect circumstances, the perfect conditions with which to realize and experience, announce and declare, fulfill and become Who You Really Are. Therefore, judge not, and neither condemn. Love your enemies, pray for your persecutors, and embrace every moment and circumstance of life as a treasure; a perfect gift from a perfect Creator. “

Sometimes in order for us to learn deep and necessary lessons, shattering life occurrences need to take place.  We must endure hardships.

From our reference point in these physical bodies playing in this illusion of linear time, these circumstances can seem overbearing.  But in ultimate reality they are ripples along our never ending timeline(s) of soul expansion.

So, bless that so called “bad” as much if not more than the so called “good”.

This is where the learning takes place and why we came here. Once that hurdle is cleared, life houses more wisdom and bliss. And then another hurdle appears. You see, it is never-ending! This may seem deflating, but in fact it is intoxicatingly exciting!!!

What if there were no mountains to ever climb, no rivers to cross, no storms to weather? What would be the point and where would the excitement gather? We would be bored out of our minds. In overcoming our challenges,  the spirit elates!

Every so called “mistake” or “regret” is consciously or unconsciously intended by the soul. Think about that, it’s quite profound!

Before you ask, it is given.

It just may not be what you “expected”. Stop expecting, and start allowing. ALL that shows up in your path is right for you in that moment! 

Set your intentions, yet do not require any specific result. This is when you begin to see the magic and perfection in EVERY event. 

I applied this spirit-set (that my new word) during birthday a two days ago for the first time in my teenage/adult life. Birthdays have always been a time where I “expected”. This year I finally was wise enough to switch it up spending the day with no attachment, no expectation, only appreciation for what showed up. The joy and peace I received in turn was unforgettable. That’s why I am writing this blog, to share what I am finally deeply understanding, regardless of how simplistic the example!


“I have sent you nothing but angels…. I have given you nothing but miracles. ” 

Namaste My Brothers and Sisters!

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Patrick Thompson
Patrick Thompson
3 years ago

Inspiring! A great way to look at life through a new lens! Thank you for your insights, Mira.

I will be on the lookout for Friendship With God. It looks like a fantastic read.

3 years ago

Absolutely love this! So true and just what I needed to read today!

3 years ago

Mira, this was the perfect and divine time for me to read this. I had a lot of expectations this year and they turned out completely different. Your blog gave me inspiration to try things differently. Thank you. Love and light.