10 Easy Ways To Strengthen Your Intuition

1. Be Aware – Pay attention to signs in your life whether they come through a person, a book, an ad, an animal/insect, your favorite numbers appearing over and over. The universe is always trying to get our attention and help us find and stay on our most illuminated path.

2. Be Still – Take time (even 15 minutes if that’s all you have) to disengage from your phone, your computer, your television. Find a quiet place and breath. I promise an idea will pop into your mind or a feeling a calm will settle your heart. Work up to spending hours or even a half day without any media, your intuition will soar!

3. Create a Daily Practice of Meditation – The most beneficial and easiest time to do this is in the morning before all the clamor starts. Find a spot, even if it’s just sitting on top of your bed or laying a yoga mat on the floor. Make space for your spirit to connect with the divine energy that would love to seep into your awakened consciousness. Start with a few deep breaths, listen to the beauty of your breath, like a wave expanding and contracting. Pay attention to your senses, your insights as you continue to breath. You are now in communication with Spirit!

connect to intuition

4. Take it Easy- Stop rushing, stop scheduling, stop over analyzing. Give your brain a break whenever you are worn out. You will find clarity, inspiration, calm, and creativity when you just STOP all the rushing for a few minutes.

5. Yoga – When you’re all wired up, there is nothing like moving the body with rhythmic conscious breath to find your center again. By the time you are in shavasana, your whole inner world is elevated, invigorated, transformed which then shifts your outer world.

6. Get out into Nature- Sometimes we just don’t feel like meditating or we can’t sit still to do so. Then there’s nature to the rescue! The feeling of being surrounded by trees, birds, insects, water is immediately soothing to your nervous system, allowing you to relax and re-connect. As you continue your journey (please don’t bring your gadgets along for the nature escape), observe the sounds, the smells, the colors. Soon your spirit reawakens with a sense of connection to all, you feel a peace, and the wisdom spirals into your soul.

7. Look up at the Stars – If you are so lucky to see them on a regular, you are so blessed! Many of us don’t have this opportunity. If you do, utilize the tranquilizing, consciousness opening, ethereal presence of the universe above. What can unfold can be simplistic and wholesome or soul stirring mind opening. Either way, it’s awe-some!

8. Go for a Walk or a Run- moving your body in a rhythmic fashion increases our creativity and receptivity. Even if you can’t escape to nature to enjoy both benefits, this might do the trick. Your life force is flowing, oxygen and blood spinning more energetically into every cell, your mitochondria are firing up ready for more juicy life!

9. Light a Candle and Listen to Soothing Music- We all know how we’ve suddenly been tranquilized by this double duo and it’s so accessible almost everywhere in the world. Let the light and sound lullaby your senses into inner awareness. You can also use gongs, tuning forks to clear and re-tune! 

10. Be Brave- Last by certainly not least! Listen to the voice once you hear its gentle nudging, this will make this muscle of the divine grow and you will trust it more often, figuring out your matrix and how you are connected to the matrix of ALL!

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5 years ago

I really appreciate these Mira! It’s so easy to forget to connect, and all of these are simple yet inspiring tools!

Mira Sky Gaia
5 years ago
Reply to  Roxanne

My pleasure Roxanne! Thank you fairy angel!

Erich Davis
Erich Davis
5 years ago

This post is wonderful and helpful ❤️ This site is a great positive place. Thank you for taking your time to make it. You are truly wonderful

Mira Sky Gaia
5 years ago
Reply to  Erich Davis

Erich, thank you so much for you constant inspiration, light, and support! I’m glad you found this useful!

Alexandra Reed
Alexandra Reed
5 years ago

Beautiful and inspiring. Even the simple ideas bring so much positivity and change. Thank you for sharing!

Mira Sky Gaia
5 years ago
Reply to  Alexandra Reed

Awh, this makes my heart happy! Thank you Alexandra!

5 years ago

Very useful information Mira. Thanks!