5 Ways to Connect with your Body's Intelligence

We live in a world that bombards us with frequencies that disrupt our natural state of internal equilibrium. When we add unresolved emotional issues, daily lifestyle stress, unpurified water, food lacking nutritional value, a lifestyle lacking sufficient body movement, and shallow daily unconscious breathing it can turn into a disaster for our bodies.  

What can we do about it?

1. The Power of Breath

We all realize that we don’t live without breathing, but do we really understand the power of breath?

We can start with one conscious full breath at a time and see how quickly it transcends almost evaporates stress, anxiety, nervousness connecting us to this reservoir of peace within. I just watched a Ted Talks by Joe Dispensa speaking about the importance of breath related to our sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems and how even though this one aspect of living that we can only survive minutes without, is somehow still not at the forefront of daily nutrition for the cells of our body and therefore of our whole being.

When I do practice conscious breath, I find my whole day feels uplifted, because actually it on a cellular is vitalized, given the energy needed to function optimally!

Just ten minutes of conscious breathing can turn our day into a masterpiece waiting to happen.

Resource for more the power of breath:  book

2. Unite, Instead of  Fight with your Body

There is no doctor is able connect with your body the way you can. But do we listen? Or do we push ourselves in disconnect? Thinking of our body as even separate, perhaps even having disdain for our bodies not looking the way we want them to, yo yo dieting, overeating, binge drinking with no regard for all the clean up our cells must do to maintain equilibrium.

I spent my late teen years, my twenties, and part of my thirties thinking of my body as “separate” and not revering it’s incredible wisdom, ingenuity, strength, resilience.


After finding a YouTube video called “Inner Life of a Cell,” my respect, fascination, and connection with my body’s intelligence skyrocketed.
In viewing the complex and specific functions of organelles within each of our estimated 100 trillion cells, my perspective shifted! This entire society of workers, builders, defenders, transporters all working with a level of supreme awareness responding with duty and conviction to create energy, stabilize, protect, ensure the viability of that organ of larger structure – and also demonstrating how all is a microcosm of the macrocosm.

Our faithful soldiers on a mission.

I learned the  importance of working “with” our body and honoring the relentless commitment of our biological and sentient masterpieces.

Pay attention to your inner cues, your body loves you and wants you to be robustly healthy! Your body will let you know before a problem spirals out of control. 


Feelings for blog post Mind Body Spirit

3. Observe and Process your Emotions to prevent Dis-ease

An easy way to check your biological health is examining your emotional health. Negative emotions that are not released over a prolonged period of time- stored,  our cells that eventually mutate, causing all types of disease.  Our mindset is key as our thoughts and emotions directly impact our well being.

How content are you with your thought process? Have you fully dealt losses in your life and come to peace? Are you holding grudges against a person, a president, a race, a culture, a religion?

All of this builds toxins in our body and as much as negative emotions are as relevant as positive ones, we must find a way to transmute the dark into the light.

Our body was built to handle some discord from time to time and our cells are well equipped to re-stabilize. (If you enjoyed every bite of your birthday cake the negative effects will be minimal.) When we feel guilty that’s where the trouble begins. 

We all know that everything in moderation is the key to a balanced life, (well except for breath)!

Breathing, meditation, prayer, emotional release, therapy/coaching, exercise, nature help us productively processing  all that we deal with on a daily basis as we live and learn!


4. Grounding/Earthing – Oh the power of Mother Nature! Realign, Revive, Renew in her grace and beauty, feeling all the life around you. Nature is a healer of Mind, Body, and Spirit -we are well aware, yet putting your feet on the earth also mitigates EMF damage. More specifically our devices create positive ions. Grounding equalizes the effects, allowing us to absorb negative ions that abound in nature. 

Recall a time walking barefoot on the beach or sitting by a waterfall.  Yes, healing magic is in the air here! Our feet have over 4000 pores and they are the largest pores  in our body. Get into nature and take off your shoes and socks when possible. If you can’t frequent nature often, you can also ground in your home with natural stone floors or cement. Crystals, indoor water fountains, and even beeswax candles can also create negative ions indoors. 

5. Talk to you Cells – Yes, they are listening. Our bodies are truly phenomenal creating billions of complex biochemical reactions every second. With an estimated 100 trillion cells, lets just say we need exponents to  to help quantify.  If you don’t believe your cells are listening just recall a time your felt nervous, embarrassed, sad, in love to name a few! Your body sometimes even emits a noticeable physical response like perspiration, an unsteady voice, color changes almost immediately.

Take a deep breath, remember the universe inside and give it positive reinforcement, encouragement, and thanks! I believe that we can create longevity this way as well. Thinking, believing in the regeneration powers of our cells, we age much more slowly or seemingly not at all (another post on this fascinating topic soon).