5 Simple Daily Practices for Vitality

What if there is such a thing called “the fountain of youth”? I believe there is, it just doesn’t come in a capsule and it requires discipline and consistency- like anything else in life.

 These 5 health practices that can be implemented by tomorrow to jump-start a more vibrant you, every cell included!

1. Wake up and create a sparkling clean mouth –  After my mom’s heart surgery over ten years ago now, the cardiologist informed her about how bacteria and plaque from our mouths if ingested will become logged in the heart. If this doesn’t demonstrate the power of a clean mouth, I don’t know what does. Read more about the direct connection with oral health and disease here. 

Do not drink or eat anything until your mouth is clean!!!

I’ve done quite a bit of research and found that “oil pulling” is a powerful tool to detox the body. Our oral health is a direct reflection of our body’s overall health!  Oil pulling is an ancient ayurvedic practice for improving overall health by detoxing the body through the mouth. I use organic cold-pressed coconut oil and yes, I will confirm that this helps with a hangover as well. Ha ha!

Regardless of method, cleaning our mouth before we consume anything is of paramount importance- brushing, natural mouthwash (salt and water is also beneficial), flossing. 

An important reminder  #nofluorideplease – Fluoride is a neurotoxin and calcifies your 3rd eye, the pineal gland!

Article: fluoride and pineal gland 

Video: Function, causes, and effects of calcification of pineal gland and how to decalcify

2.  Waterfall Your Organs Every Morning -After cleansing your mouth, drink fresh filtered or spring water- at least 12 ounces (you can add lemon, apple cider vinegar which will just aid in the cleansing and rebalancing process, or warm it up). When we wake in the morning, our bodies are at the most susceptible and penetrable point because our organs have sorted through all the consumption. Water acts as a fountain cleaning our organs that work so hard for us every day. Continuously consuming hydrated throughout the day works many min miracles for the body, everyone knows this, but- I don’t mind reiterating!

3. Intermittent Fasting- This is not anything new or revolutionary. Humans have been intermittent fasting since the beginning of time. But what is revolutionary is the powerful reset we receive from giving our bodies a break to clear out stored waste and reset. It’s called autophagy and is as natural as life itself. There is something so primal and satisfying about feeling the rhythm of our own internal furnace. If we snack all day, with no real gap in ingestion, we spike our insulin levels too often, never allowing for the cleaning crew to move in. Please check out this article by Dr. Berg on insulin spikes and their disease causing effects.

Hunger is a sign that our body is working, speaking to us, metabolizing, creating energy, healing, etc. Intermittent fasting is a key to our innate cleanup and regeneration.  Read all about it!

Extend your life and better yet the quality of it

Lose Stubborn Fat

Balance Hormone Levels

Increased Mental Focus and Improved Brain Health Optimization

Lower risk of diabetes and balance blood sugar levels

Cellular RepairClean out the waste in your cells

Enjoy your food more – Hunger is the best gravy as my grandfather always loved to say! 

Listen to your body on what it needs and when. There are many different ways to intermittent fast-  14, 16 hour, even 18 hours. 

Intermittent fasting alone is tremendously powerful, but when coupled with cutting out all refined carbohydrates and a NO or very low sugar diet, you will benefit most. When I want to lose body fat, I have to cut out alcohol – there’s no way around it.  Plus our liver deserves a break even from the most enjoyable robust zinfandel. 

4. Exercise & Strength Training We are built to move. In fact, throughout history we couldn’t even survive or maintain a dwelling without significant energy output and muscle activity- from washing clothes, to cutting down wood. Now, as we all know, we live in an artificial society so much so that we needed to create gyms to work out. Whereas throughout time, a gym would have been almost laughable for most of humanity after a full day of daily activities.

 If our muscles aren’t being challenged, they atrophy. No thank you saggy!  If our blood isn’t forced to work a little harder, it can’t process toxins as well and ultimately clogs. Again, I’m no doctor, just a doctor of common sense. All types of natural movement is beneficial. However, integrating an exercise that challenges our muscles at least a few times a week is of vital importance. We can  use only body weight as in yoga, Pilates (my favorite at home video), plyometrics. 

Building and Keeping Muscle

In my twenties, I scuffed at weights as only an element of gaining mass and mostly for men. I lifted those sissy weights in sculpting or other aerobic toning classes. I soon realized that when I lifted real weights (7 to 15 pounds), my metabolism was faster, and I looked better.

Now, I find body weight more convenient and accessible everywhere. This is my favorite  and very tough 20 minute full body workouts requiring no weights. Note, this one is not for beginners!

Let’s go beyond the superficiality and discover why keeping our muscles strong is so important for the longevity of our bodies

Antiaging- who doesn’t want to look good forever?

Bone Density- Stay stronger and less accident-prone your whole life!

Energy- We can all use some more of that! 

Hormone Balance- essential  for opitmal functioning and keeping the spice in life!

Positivity- Exercise helps the body release endorphins!

5. Sleep – There is no better natural way to regenerate than a good night’s rest. Not only our body, but our brain, nervous system, and psyche need a rest from the “real world” when not only our biology resets and is repaired, yet so does our psychology. I find that when I don’t sleep enough for a few days at a time, I don’t not only feel well, look well, have the mental agility, but I often start to see the symptoms of a misalignment in my body.  Sleep is imperative to our immune system and without a strong immune system, our cells are left fighting battles without the whole army intact. Give your body the well-deserved break and prevent all kinds of ailments and even disease! I know some swami gurus say we don’t need much sleep, to each his/her own.  Most of us feel much better when we sleep for a full 7-8 hours most days of the week.

If you have trouble sleeping, you can try taking an Epsom salt bath to relax your body and muscles, listen to  soothing music or a guided rest meditation. (And keep your electronics far from your bedside.)

I also highly recommend a system called NuCalm. Their website is full of information about the myriad benefits. It’s quite expensive , but what could be better than investing in your well BE-ING!

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5 years ago

Thank you for sharing your knowledge. It’s inspired me to make it a point to get a good night’s sleep tonight. One night at a time.