“Be Like Water My friend” a line from a healing song from divinely inspired musical group called  “Beautiful Chorus“.  The song playing in my mind today; I felt the intuitive nudge to write  a post of how this metaphor lends itself to what we may be experiencing internally and how best to “flow” with the energies. During mercury retrogrades in particular (3 to 4 times a year), we can feel a bit destabilized- a nebulousness infusing our minds.  We can feel as though we are floating on the open vast sea, not knowing which direction the current will take us and on which island we might gently or turbulently land upon.

In this video below I’m sure you will sense, see, feel the beauty and power infusing our minds and spirits with an enchantment – sourced in the process of allowing

This is the season to be more like water than ever -flowing around, through, alongside remaining less attached to an outcome and more present with the process, knowing that this cycle is necessary for our neverending expansion as a spirit and on our this earthly journey. A powerful time to dig deeper into our intuition, particularly now while stationed in this dreamy, creative, and ethereal water sign (Feb 17th to March 10th, 2020).

A time to sink into our own internal ocean  -observing the waves, the surges, the plateaus in our own psyches, as mercury is the planet of the mind. As we explore in what may seem like murky unnavigable waters,  we discover our next  steps. We are strengthened by this time of introspection, reorientation, and insight.

Flexibility will allow us to create new forms and evolve along our paths. 

If we grasp the nuances we are intended to learn and avoid falling into escapist behaviors; we will likely  be filled with a new layer of necessary understanding. We can forge ahead with a realigned perspective, even new wisdom affecting our future choices and actions when Mercury goes direct on and after March 10th.

I happened to be in Mendocino Country, California along this coast a few days ago watching the waves frolic, dance, bounce, slide along the rocks effortlessly being carried and shifted by the power of the water. What an appropriate visual of  this unplanned part of our Northern California road trip! Such is the beauty and omniscience  of God/Universe which we are all directly connected to now and always. 

Trust the process, keep the faith, know all will be well and even better than expected.  You are being led by infinite intelligence. Just as the water molecules know that they are supported by a greater force, so too are we. 


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4 years ago

Thank you for the inspiration Mira. I’m looking forward to March 10! ⭐️