Conscious Nature - Are We Listening?

The More We Pay Attention to Nature, The More Gifts It Bestows Upon Us

Like anything in life, what we focus upon in life expands, grows, blossoms. When it comes to nature, it is a gift that keeps giving, nurturing our spirit reminding us that we are connected to the trees, leaves, insects, birds and on a more practical level can’t live without them.

It was October 7th 2019 on my sister’s ranch in Ranch in Ruidoso, New Mexico when perhaps for the first time I spent hours on end observing the birds, bees, ants, even the intricacy of the bark of a tree or flower. I was transported into their world witnessing the organization, patterns, and free will they possess to make their own decisions,  celebrate in the pleasures, the curiosities, the challenges of being “alive”, guided by an inner wisdom that helps them navigate, know when danger may be approaching, and live their “mission”.

This unfathomably highly organized system – life on planet earth gleams from afar yet is comprised of highly individualized components all exuding their own consciousness.  It’s quite remarkable and something we can tend to overlook even while walking through the woods, the jungle, the beach. Currently, I am in Costa Rica living in an abode surrounded by jungle. Wildlife is everywhere from howler monkeys that create a sound reminiscent of King Kong, iguanas climbing up trees, birds creating a chorus in the sky. For the past few days, I have been immersing myself in its awe and hence it was time for this blog.

I feel as though some cultures throughout the world suggest that nature is a force onto itself that should be even feared. I recall commercials by big insurance companies in America implicating that its “us” against “nature”. How is it that nature could be a separate entity? The air we breathe fills our lungs, the water we drink flows in endless cycles, the food we eat, the houses we build, the clothes we wear. Everything at its base is nature, even the chemicals manufactured using its components.

What if the natural world is more  aware than we perceive? The space between is full of intelligence and is a superhighway of information- sending, receiving, interpreting. We all have experienced this when we think of someone and they call for instance. This principle of “telepathy,” if we want to call it that, exists not just between humans, but in all energy forms in time/space.

(This brings to mind the ecstatic moment two magical  dolphins emerged from under my feet while meditating at the helm of our boat sailing through the Cyclades.)

My mom years ago started putting her hands on trees, connecting with them. I thought this was a bit out there and strange at the time

After years of watching her stop while hiking together, placing her hands and third eye upon it’s trunk, I tried it out. Although subtle, it works.   If we are sensitive enough, we sense a message. Now various scientists have proven that trees communicate with each other within an intricate network. Would it be so farfetched to imagine they could also communicate with us? 

When we walk by a tree, a plant, a flower and acknowledge its presence thank it for its beauty and its role in this highly organized system of life- we can connect deeper.

Studying, connecting, listening to  nature is one of the most powerful ways of understanding the greater universe.