"Death" or Might this Process be better termed "Consciously Re-Emerging"?

Humans are scared, fascinated, unsure of death. Of course, this seems natural based on our attachment to our physical bodies as our “life”. But if we just dig a bit beyond the suspicions of flesh, we soon realize that “death” to our consciousness, our soul, our energy is even scientifically IMPOSSSIBLE.

We can look deeper and even gain liberation in inevitable process through the lens of scientific laws of the universe (law of conservation of energy for instance- energy is never created nor destroyed, it can only be transformed or transferred ).  We can pay more attention to the natural world around use observing the cyclical nature of all that lives. 

 From the cycles of the seasons, to leaves and flowers blooming, then dying falling to the ground that later become fertilizer for more life. We can take a look up into the sky, studying the nature of the universe.  Stars seem to “die” after releasing all their stored energy, but more accurately they are actually  just  expanding and contracting.   When enough of this energy is released from a multitude of stars  -new stars, planets and even galaxies all formed over again. Even their life is never-ending, only changing form. And our bodies are made up of their components.

Are we starting to connect the dots here? I hope so! If not here’s one of the thousands of articles available about this process of life. It’s important to do your own research and take nothing at face value especially if you don’t sense it’s truth in your soul. 

I think many people can and do grasp this larger more connected understanding at a core level. Let’s move on to the more esoteric parts of the death/rebirth experience examining how our beliefs about death may serve or disserve us.

Curiosities & Observations

Given that we are responsible for our thoughts, feelings, beliefs and they do shape our own reality here on Earth, perhaps our beliefs about death shape our death experience as well? Even though we all live energetically  ‘forever’ it may be helpful to envision all aspects of this so called ‘death’ experience, imagining when/where/ and what we would like to experience when we transition.

In many death experiences here on Earth, the soul begins to prepare the body for this rejoining to the matrix of LOVE. Many people nearing death, feel and know that the benefit of living in the body is coming to an end. What a soul who is ready to depart desires most is that their loved ones also trust this process and release them in peace.

From what I’ve learned from those who have had experiences of temporarily ‘dying’ and then coming back to their body, they are consumed with ONE with LOVE presence in a way that words can not come close to being able to fully capture. 

I have also learned from various sources that if  a soul dies in fear  or perhaps even believes that there is a “hell”, they may need help to cross over to the other side. This is why we may feel “ghosts” in old houses, hotels,  or areas of destruction, war, etc. The soul may be a bit confused, but definitely not a rule of thumb. Many times souls who died  in tragedy volunteered for this experience before they came down, sometimes to help the spiritual evolution of  human consciousness.  If the former is the case,  through prayer, meditation, intention we can help these souls move beyond the veil  and back to the blissful state of omnipresence. 

Moreover, we all have a team of souls that exist in the “heavens” that love us deeply – they may be “deceased” relatives, friends, or souls from other incarnations, other star systems, angels, etc that know us intimately. I know we are all “saved” even the worst of us. (There really is not other option.) We reunite with the whole from which we came with our lessons learned, and those we still must learn when/if we decide to take physical form again.  I like to refer to this whole, all that is as:  God, Infinite Intelligence , Prime Creator, Source. 

“Fear not, for I am always with you!” Isiah 41:10

Moreover, as many people have experienced, a loved one who has moved into the spirit world can easily be called upon and will appear by your side immediately (in energetic form). I will never forget how my dad (who does not give thought to this type of matter) shared that he felt his father with him, even feeling his hand upon his when he took drives to and from Boston- Philadelphia for a period of time after he passed. His father stayed with him  in spirit until my dad met his current wfe, giving him company and soothing him through this apparent “loss”. 

So, let’s celebrate this life and know that we have been here forever and will never cease to exist!