From Solstice To Solstice -Reflecting, Breathing in a New Decade

The shortest day and longest night in the Northern Hemisphere and the longest day shortest night in the Southern Hemisphere. Such is the dualistic nature of our world! This is our preparation and changeover time. Winter solstice in particular is a wonderful time to appreciate all we have experienced and learned, spiritually preparing for new beginnings and the birth of more “light” in our lives. 

On December 21st 2018, I woke up while it was still dark searching for a vista to appreciate the dawn of this landmark day of the year signifying new beginnings while in one of the most powerful energetic vortices of our planet – Sedona, Arizona. My 3rd visit to this mystical land coming this time with the intention of looking for a house, thinking that this might be where I relocate after my 4 months abroad. Looking back, I realize just what a transformative year it has been. 

Where I've been via google maps2019  for me was filled with movement, changing scenery, new cultures,  viewpoints, and perspectives.  From last solstice to this one I stepped foot and in most all cases walked  miles in Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Pennsylvania, Germany, South Africa, Dubai, Morocco (4 return trips), Portugal (2 return trips) , Spain, England, Florida, California, North Carolina, Louisiana, and Costa Rica- where I am writing currently on December 21st, 2019. The land of “pura vida.” Phew, it’s been a jam packed year not just from travel, but emotionally as well. (Google Maps proved pretty accurate, except for the places I had no data- Germany, many parts of Morocco, and the quick layover in Dubai. )

Today I asked myself what I have learned in the last 365 days? 

This is what came to mind: 

To be patient, to flow with the current instead push against it realizing the universe is wise and will deliver us what we need to experience in order to be in better alignment, to honor my feelings give them their space to express,  transmute, gain more insight into this process of creation, to let inspiration fester and bubble into the material before sharing what has not yet been developed, to love all aspects of self- even the parts of us that we find less “noble”, to not let others’ opinions matter unless they are coming from a place of support and love, to hold the internal light so that negative thought forms have no power in your presence.

Coming to Earth is not for the faint of heart and we must honor the warrior within that continues to march on with the wind changing directions. It’s as though we need to be able to access the elements within us in order to  maximize our flow. Sometimes we need to stabilize (earth), sometimes we need to morph and flow (water), sometimes we need to transmute and transform (fire), and sometimes we need to let the wind infiltrate our minds and show us new direction (air). 

This solstice is a great time to prepare, as we are ready to embark on not just a new year, yet a new decade -shedding what no longer serves us, seeping deeper into our light through trusting our intuition, allowing this inner intelligence to soothe us, navigate, revive us when our feet become weary. 

"A Year Later Santa Teresa, Costa Rica December 21st, 2019 Breathing into a New Decade"