Raise your Vibrations with Gratitude~ Help Change the Direction of Our Planet

Do you remember the last time you felt truly deeply grateful? Do you remember how you felt while you basked in this energy? 

When we are on vacation gazing into a deep blue sea, sitting on top of a mountain gazing upon the majesty below, watching palm trees flow in the gentle breeze-gratitude  can come easily and powerfully. 

But, what about in our daily lives that are more stressful? How can we live more aligned with gratitude even in our more trying times? 

I have found that the best way to transition into gratitude most effortlessly is to start even before you get out of bed  in the morning. It’s a simple as being grateful for something, anything in your immediate now.

Suddenly a domino effect starts and from one thought of gratitude others come to mind. With each grateful thought, your vibration rises a bit, your outlook beams with more invigoration in your eternal “NOW”.

Other than feeling personally more alive, buoyant, and in charge of your life; why is a higher vibration so important for our planet?

ALL of the universe is vibrating on different frequencies- it is the fabric of our existence. Many of us cannot see vibration, we can feel it! Our vibration affects our entire environment, everyone we pass, everywhere we go and seeps into the ground, the soil, the earth.

(Here’s and in depth post on the Law of Vibration if you are interested in learning more .)

The more of us who vibrate higher, the more collective power we have to affect and uplift our entire environment, including those creating from lower vibrations.

Moreover, when our vibrations are high, we  are less  affected by discordant energies, almost as though we are floating above the chaos unaffected.

As we collectively raise our vibrations over time,   acts sourced in  lower vibrational energy will not be able to operate in our world- war, destruction, abuse, etc.  Can you imagine the rulers of the world wanting to go to war when they are full of gratitude and serve an overwhelming number of constituents who deeply desire peace and joy in the world?

The dark disappears when the internal candle is lit!
Some examples of how we can shift our thoughts during ordinary situations or challenges into a beautiful vibration through gratitude:

Ask your higher self/God/ your guides for assistance. You can even start with anything that you may take for granted- it could be your ability to move freely in your body to navigate your world, or the fact that you live in a country where you are free to worship (or not worship) as you please, for the warmth of your home, the comfort of your bed, your pet’s joy and love, the plants in your home and how they bring you beauty and peace, the glance or smile you felt from a child.


A sweet look can brigten up our modd

From this foundation, one more reasons to be grateful may spiral. You then may be inspired to take actions which create more gratitude.

If and when you find your vibe spiraling south- observe, and switch! The sooner you catch it the better! Therefore, checking in with your emotional self frequently is of utmost importance.

As the frequency of gratitude seaps into your consciousness- You feel lighter- You are! You feel more creative- You Are!  Now, you are in your zone and can help others vibrate higher just by your presence (or in any other way you may feel inspired).

 If we can create a higher “mean/average” vibration on a daily basis, we will begin to be better able to listen to our intuition, our guides, our angels, our ancestors available to us energetically. We ultimately can assist in the ascension of our planet and its people out of turmoil and into a more beautiful existence.

As we shift vibration, we shift our world. All starts energetically before it materializes.

This is a helpful explanation from Laws of the Universe.weebly.com:“…thought is where it all begins. As your conscious mind dwells habitually on thoughts of a certain quality, these become firmly imbedded within the subconscious mind. They become the dominant vibration. This dominant vibration sets up a resonance with other similar vibrations and draws them into your life. This is easier to understand if you consider that from the metaphysical view, the whole universe IS MIND. In turn, your vibrations affect everything around you – your environment, the people and animals around you, the inanimate objects, even the seemingly ‘empty’ space and they, in turn, affect you.”

I know it may seem overly simplistic. But all creation starts with vibration- ingenuity, creativity, even global change spring from here! We are more powerful than we realize! Let’s use our God-given tools to heal ourselves and our world!