The Stars that We Are – 10 Core Beliefs

- Mira Sky Gaia
- November 25, 2019
- 2:52 pm
- Starseed
1. We are connected. This fact has been proven scientifically through Quantum mechanics and Unified Physics. We can never be separated from the whole. ALL is connected from how I understand this concept. We are a microcosm of the macrocosm, just as our cells/atoms are microcosms of our body.
2. We all have a purpose in the matrix of all that is. No life is arbitrary. We choose our circumstances including our family, our country, our struggles for the purpose of soul growth and expansion.
3. Our soul extends beyond this physical realm- simultaneously existing on many different dimensions and realities that we have created.
4. We have support available at all times- angels, guides, our higher self, our celestial/star families, and even Supreme God him/herself. We have to ask and then align our consciousness, have faith in divine timing, allowing the path to unfold in its own time with the answers and insights that follow. “Ask and you Shall Receive!”
5. All challenges are a blessing and help us define the new heights we’d like to reach through facing these obstacles we become clearer in what it is that is good for our spirit and we can begin to focus upon it. Without challenge or difficulty, life would simply be boring and too predictable and lack growth. “This too shall pass” has always helped me while feeling lost, confused, betrayed, alone.
6. Intuition is our connection to infinite wisdom. Intuition can be strengthened just like any other muscle by using it more! And can be accessed more easily through meditation, conscious breathing, time in nature, quiet contemplative moments.
7. Our higher self sees and understands the bigger picture of all the pieces in the puzzle, we just need to be ready to listen so that we can be in the right place at the right time and take inspired action through the nudges of our peaceful yet resilient internal voice- our INTUITION.
8. All that truly fuels us is our desire to remember LOVE. At some states of higher consciousness, we realize that ALL IS Love and anything that doesn’t demonstrate or exude love is on a journey of figuring out what doesn’t work in order to find what does – Love again. We are all making our way back to this fabric of connection of the universe and because we have all the time in the world, how long it takes is relative. There is no rush, but there are consequences for actions that we directly experience while in 3D. God is so secure that there is no need to control or condemn. If you know that you are ALL fragmented into pieces to experience ONESELF knowing that even the most “lost” piece will return. Soon that part will realize that it only functions optimally and joyfully while feeling the energy of the whole (LOVE)! Hell is not a physical place; we can create a living “hell” by concentrating of fear and all the emotions that are at the root of it. We reap what we Sow!
9. This life was not the beginning for us nor the end. We have all existed in energetic form since the birth of creation. We will never cease to exist, just change form. This if the fun of it. We have the chance to reinvent ourselves on our path to higher and higher understandings in not only this life but the many lives we choose to experience in this dimension, other dimensions and even in other star systems. This life is just part of the multidimensional larger part of our super soul. When we understand this, life becomes more joyous, liberating, less fear based.
10. There is nothing to fear in death, as we never “DIE” in energetic form. We are always connected to everything we have experienced or learned in past incarnations (akashic records) and this wisdom stays with us in future ones. We are all figuring out the matrix through our life experiences. Physical death must not be feared but embraced when the time is right. Visualizing, imagining, and even planning what we wish to see, experience, feel and who we wish to be reunited with is key to an easy transition.
I just found out in early 2020 that there is a star called “Mira” . I guess this title came straight from the “Stars”.. haha
Also, for more exquisite proof on the science of how we are all connected- please check out the film called “The Connected Universe” from the brilliant physicist Nassim Heramein.