Following up from my last post just over a week ago, so much has spiraled to what seems as if the world is out of control!

Can we see the order in the chaos?

Today I received news that our planet is receiving a very overdue break from all the constant abuse. Air quality in China has measurably improved due to the lockdown. The canals of Venice are now clean again. Dolphins are swimming closer to the coast of Italy.

But are we receiving the MOST important message? Our air, our water, our resources are necessary for all on OUR planet! Do we finally realize that we are all brothers and sisters?

We have abused our planet for far too long in every type of way- overconsumption, greed, disrespect for our own or other life forms. Perhaps, this virus is showing us who we really are and how we impact each other?

I could go into detail about how quantum and unified physics already proves this, but do we really need any more proving?

This is the opportunity that God, Mother Earth, and all higher consciousness have endowed us with to WAKE UP! Wake up HUMANITY, WE ARE ALL ONE!

What can we do to create a better world with this new understanding?

For one we can respect the biology of our planet and its resources.

For seconds, we can start viewing our fellow man as neither above or beneath us.

Thirdly, we can use our minds, our consciousness, our awareness to better our world.

Miracles will unfold from these three!

Stay strong, don’t fall into fear, and know this too shall pass. But let’s not forget this lesson of UNITY in its aftermath!


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Tiffany Weldon
Tiffany Weldon
4 years ago

I totally agree Mira. I think this is a time for true rearrangement all across the globe.

4 years ago

Mira, I hope you know that you are an inspiration to us all. ❤️